Business & Voice Search Listing

Manage your brand's online presence and information across over 70 websites—all from one source!

Why Should I Care About Online Directory Listings?

  • Directory Listings Drive Traffic

    Complete Listings Drive Direct Connections.

    Businesses with complete information across all major business directories are:

    • 2.7x more likely to be considered reputable

    • 70% more likely to attract location visits

    • 50% more likely to convert visitors into clients

    Complete directory listings are clicked 7x more than empty listings.

  • More than 50% of searches start with a voice search.

    More than 50% of searches start with a voice search.

    If you're not optimizing your business for voice search, you're missing out on a huge opportunity. With the proliferation of devices like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana, more and more people are conducting complex searches using voice commands. And if your business isn't being found in those voice search results, you're missing out on potential customers.

  • Get 2-5X Online Exposure.

    Get 2-5X Online Exposure.

    If you're not already using a directory listings service to manage your business information online, you're missing out on a lot of potential customers. Today, people are much more likely to view your business information on sites like Google My Business, Facebook, or Yelp than on your actual website. That means it's crucial to make sure that your directory listings are just as accurate, informative, and enticing as the information on your website. With so much potential exposure at stake, it's well worth the investment to use a service that can help you get the most out of your directory listings.